Ep 04: Personality Disorders as Ice Cream Flavors

In this episode of the Personality Couch, we discuss the different types of personality disorders and compare them to flavors of ice cream. We explore the personality disorders that are always in season and the ones that come and go depending on cultural and social factors. We will highlight the ingredients that make up each disorder and how they manifest in individuals. Personality disorders are presented in three clusters: Cluster A (odd or eccentric), Cluster B (dramatic or erratic), and Cluster C (anxious or fearful) with descriptions and examples of each disorder within these clusters. If you want to jump to a specific cluster, please use one of the timestamps/chapters below.


00:00 - Intro/Overview of the Personality Flavors
02:13 - Personality Flavors Always in Season
03:12 - Pandemic Personality Flavors
05:14 - Mid Pandemic Personality Flavors
06:18 - End of Pandemic Personality Flavors
07:15 - Personality Flavors not in Season
11:17 - DSM Clusters ABC Overview

Cluster A

11:48 - Custer A
12:14 - Cluster A: Paranoid PD
14:55 - Cluster A: Schizotypal PD
19:21 - Cluster A: Schizoid PD

Cluster B

22:33 - Cluster B
23:10 - Cluster B: Antisocial PD
27:39 - Cluster B: Borderline PD
29:41 - Cluster B: Histrionic PD
31:51 - Cluster B: Narcissistic PD
32:43 - Antisocial PD vs Narcissistic PD

Cluster C

36:20 - Cluster C 36:40 - Cluster C: Avoidant PD
37:34 - Schizoid PD vs Avoidant PD
38:08 - Borderline PD vs Avoidant PD
39:16 - Cluster C: Dependent PD
41:38 - Cluster C: OCPD
44:27 - Conclusion