Doc Fish

Dr. Cheyenne Fisher, Psy.D

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Quest Psychological and Counseling Services

Doc Fish

  • Personality
  • Attachment
  • Psychodynamic
  • Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)

    Regent University

  • Master of Arts in Psychology

    Regent University

  • Bachelor of Science in Clinical Psychology

    Liberty University

Why personality?

I have a ridiculous and intense need to understand. I want to understand certain random things (I want to know how to wire lights and be an electrician. I want to understand enough to draw blueprints. I want to be fluent in American Sign Language). But overall, I have a need to understand the world. Yet, I can’t. The world is too big for me to understand, so I peeled back the layers, and in my attempt to get to the root, I am left with people. Individuals make up the world. It’s comparable to understanding atoms versus the house the atoms make up.

I live in the world of people (aka atoms), and thus have engaged in the treacherous journey to understand what makes people tick. Why do people think, act, and feel the way they do? What is at the core of one’s makeup that leads one to be a person? Personality. Yes, yes, yes…I know there are other layers and factors, but I like to sit in the personality corner …hehe ;)

What do you want the world to know about personality?

It is as complex as our world. It is mountains tall, valleys deep, fire bright, and ocean dark - all of which have unique beauties, pains, advantages, and disadvantages. The brightest light can do just as much harm as the darkest dark, and both have necessary benefits. I say all this to make the point that the study of personality falls infinitely short to describe an individual. We categorize, label, and put concepts into neat, pretty boxes. It’s necessary to do so in order to understand personality, and chunking information into patterns is how the brain works. It’s helpful, and it can be powerful to find your own personality box(es) that help you understand yourself. But, it would be a great hindrance to contort yourself to fit into a box.

Personality Profile

Enneagram : SP 5w4
Myers Briggs/16 Personalities : INFJ/TJ
Psychodynamic : Schizoid
Hippocrates : Melancholic-Choleric (Black Bile)

Personality Analysis

I’ve been skydiving thrice, bungee jumping in New Zealand, and love a night out downtown with all my friends.

Just kidding. I’m a schizoid. None of the above is true. I am, inherently, not fun. But I enjoy my attempts at humor and think I’m clever. I suck at surface level discussion, small talk, and self-disclosure, but I’ll attempt to write some things that will make this a biography.

I enjoy structure, routine, and collecting information. I am an observer in most areas of my life. I decided I wanted to be a psychologist during Psychology 101 in high school, and I’ve not doubted my path since. (Fantasized about an easier path? Yes. Doubted my path? No). I love all things psychology, and it is very much intertwined with my identity. I come from a long genetic line of inventors and builders, and my own journey on the psychology path mirrors those processes of analyzing, breaking down, understanding, and rebuilding/creating.

I love audiobooks (books too, but I’m always on the go), and I gravitate toward dark genres, including fantasy, thrillers, mysteries, and serial killers. I have a fascination with the darkness of humans, perhaps because that darkness is often rejected, ostracized, and pushed to the fringes of society - though, I’ve seen and felt the darkness underneath some charmers of this world. I’m pulled to be curious about darkness because of my own, which, as a schizoid, I have no defenses to deny or suppress, simply to withdraw from. Thus, I can sit in my darkness and hold others’ darkness more easily than most other personality structures.