Ep 11: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: Understanding the Drama Triangle

In this episode, we dive into the concept of the drama triangle, a psychological model that explains interpersonal conflict through three roles: the victim, the persecutor, and the rescuer. We explore the historical context of the drama triangle, its origins in transactional analysis, and how these roles manifest in relationships, particularly in the context of personality disorders. Our conversation emphasizes the importance of recognizing these dynamics to disrupt unhealthy patterns and foster healthier interactions.


  • 00:00 Introduction to the Drama Triangle
  • 01:16 Historical Context of the Drama Triangle
  • 07:59 The Purpose of the Drama Triangle
  • 10:44 Roles in the Drama Triangle
    • 10:57 The Victim
    • 15:43 The Persecutor
    • 20:44 The Rescuer
  • 27:24 Childhood’s Influence on the Drama Triangle
  • 30:50 Being Cast In a Role
  • 35:21 Disrupting the Drama Triangle
    • 36:07 Drama as Smoke to the Personality Fire
    • 37:00 Stop, Drop, and Roll
  • 43:16 Conclusion and Future Discussions

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