4 Subtypes of Narcissism: Grandiose, Communal, Malignant, and Vulnerable

Currently, there’s two main themes of narcissism in the research: Grandiose Narcissism and Vulnerable Narcissism. We talk about that more in depth here. However, we also like to describe categories of narcissism, so much so that we’ve found “over 50 distinct labels describing variability in the expression of pathological narcissism.”1 FIFTY! That’s insane (pun intended). Let’s talk about the four most common subtypes you’ve probably heard of: Grandiose, Communal, Malignant, and Vulnerable.

People Sitting on Floor
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Grandiose Narcissists

The Grandiose Narcissist is the type that is the most recognizable and most researched. It’s also the one that matches up best to the DSM-5-TR’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The Grandiose Narcissist basically thinks they’re the greatest ever, and they use others for gain. They can be aggressive, dominant, and manipulative.

Historically, terms that lead to grandiose narcissism include the Don Juan Character, the Nobel Prize Complex, and the Phallic Narcissist.2 Other names for grandiose narcissists include: Classical, True, Overt, Arrogant, Egotistical, Empowered, Entitled, Exhibitionistic, Oblivious, Willful, and Thick-skinned.1 All of these labels describe the grandiosity, sense of superiority, exaggeration of achievements, self-absorbed behaviors, pretentiousness, entitlement, decreased empathy, need for admiration, and intolerance of criticism. However, they’re also socially charming. 😇 Think the unfaithful womanizer or power-hungry, egotistical CEO.

Man Sitting in Front of Desk
Photo by Moose Photos

Communal Narcissists (a form of Grandiose)

Interestingly, Communal Narcissism didn’t actually exist until 2012!3 A broad definition of Communal Narcissism includes gaining power through others - seeking grandiosity and power, but appearing helpful, caring, and other-focused. Another name might be the Saintly Narcissist, or someone who perceives themselves as the next Mother Theresa.3 They might be likable until people see their true colors, because unfortunately, as they gain power, they become less helpful and more grandiose.4

Now, it’s important to understand that Communal Narcissism is a form of Grandiose Narcissism, as it’s associated with attention-seeking, deception, dominance, and manipulative behaviors. However, it’s also correlated with some more vulnerable themes like submissiveness, separation insecurity, anxiety, moodiness, guilt/shame, and perfectionism.5 So basically, at the core is Grandiose Narcissism, but it’s covered up in more palatable, vulnerable qualities. These types make great religious cult leaders. They are essentially a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Photo by Trinity Kubassek

Malignant Narcissists (a form of Grandiose)

Most of the research on Malignant Narcissism that I found fell in criminology and political studies and involved words like evil, genocide, terrorism, politics, and corporate leaders. There was not much on the personality research front, but it is a common personality subtype the public is discussing. Why? Eric Fromm stated it well, noting that Malignant Narcissism is the “quintessence of evil.”6

A simple and concise definition of Malignant Narcissism is pathological narcissism (unhealthy pursuit of self-enhancement) that is mixed with antisocial (against rules and social norms), sadistic (aggressive, desire to harm others), and paranoid (I’m under threat and must attack first) flavors. Kernberg (1984) took the concept of Malignant Narcissism and ran with it, explaining that there has to be a combination of four things to be considered Malignant Narcissism7:

  1. A narcissistic core or narcissistic personality disorder (of course)7
  2. Antisocial behavior (not the disorder, just behaviors like lying, manipulating, stealing, etc.)7
  3. Egosyntonic sadism (internal sadism that is acceptable to the person and aligns with their values )7
  4. Paranoid orientation (projecting their unresolved hatred onto others, viewing others as disposable)7

Other labels for Malignant Narcissism include, the Manipulative Narcissist8 who has antisocial qualities; the Psychopathic Narcissist9 who lacks remorse, lacks empathy, is sadistic, is violent, and exploits others; and the Unprincipled Narcissist2 who has antisocial flavors and lacks a conscience, is vengeful, and does not fear consequences. Research cites Hitler and Stalin as Malignant Narcissists.10

Man in Mask with Burning Newspaper
Photo by Connor Danylenko

Vulnerable Narcissists

The Vulnerable Narcissistic subtype is less obvious because it lacks grandiosity and shine, instead being introverted, unassuming, pessimistic, and fragile. They take on a victim-y, “Woe is me” stance, as they are acutely in touch with their shame in order to escape their own grandiose fantasies. While they are still entitled and self-absorbed, they have low self-esteem and tend to be anxious, defensive, and avoidant of attention and attachments.9

Today, we often hear terms like Covert Narcissist or even Shy Narcissist to describe these vulnerable types. Other terms that capture the Vulnerable Narcissist include: Closet, Thin-Skinned, Hypervigilant, Hypersensitive, Fragile, Depressed/Depleted, Disempowered, and Compensating.1 An example of a Vulnerable Narcissist might be the employee who never gets “Employee of the Month,” won’t put in the work to get the award, and always speaks poorly about his boss who “has yet to recognize his greatness.”

Woman in Box Claustrophobic

I would propose that all narcissists are basically dangerous in one form or another. The Malignant Narcissist is the scariest and most physically harmful type of narcissist. I’d say the Communal Narcissist is second in line for most dangerous, because they’re tricky - a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Perhaps controversially, I’d choose the Vulnerable Narcissist as the third most dangerous because it can be hidden and sometimes doesn’t feel like narcissism. Lastly, the Grandiose Narcissist is more easily spotted, so it’s likely the easiest to defend against or avoid.

Women in Colored Suits
Photo by cottonbro studio

Regardless of the type of narcissism, they all cause harm in relationships. If you are suffering due to the narcissist in your life, seek help! Check out Psychology Today, or if you’re in Virginia or Pennsylvania, check out our private practice, Quest Psychological and Counseling Services for available services.


  1. Cain, N. M., Pincus, A. L., & Ansell, E. B. (2008). Narcissism at the crossroads: Phenotypic description of pathological narcissism across clinical theory, social/personality psychology, and psychiatric diagnosis. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(4), 638–656. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2007.09.006 ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Millon, T. (2011). Disorders of personality: Introducing a DSM / ICD spectrum from normal to abnormal (3rd edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. Gebauer, J. E., Sedikides, C., Verplanken, B., & Maio, G. R. (2012). Communal narcissism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(5), 854-878. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0029629 ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Giacomin, M., & Jordan, C. H. (2015). Validating power makes communal narcissists less communal. Self and Identity, 14(5), 583–601. https://doi.org/10.1080/15298868.2015.1031820 ↩︎

  5. Rogoza, R., & Fatfouta, R. (2019). Normal and pathological communal narcissism in relation to personality traits and values. Personality and Individual Differences., 140, 76–81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.039 ↩︎

  6. Fromm, E. (1964). The heart of man. Harper & Row. ↩︎

  7. Kernberg, O. F. (1984). Severe personality disorders: Psychotherapeutic strategies. Yale University Press. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  8. Bursten, B. (1973). Some narcissistic personality types. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 54, 287–300. ↩︎

  9. Ronningstam, E. F. (2005). Narcissistic personality disorder: A review. In M. Maj, H. S., Akiskal, J. E. Mezzich, & A. Okasha (Eds.), Personality disorders, (pp. 277-348). John Wiley & Sons. https://doi.org/10.1002/0470090383.ch4 ↩︎ ↩︎

  10. Wood, R. (2022). A study of malignant narcissism : Personal and professional insights. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003246923 ↩︎

Doc Fish
Doc Fish
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

I am a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in personality, attachment, and psychodynamic treatment.